INSPIRED is a national distributed research infrastructure unique in the field of Structural Biology that combines studies on bioactive (macro)molecules interactions and biomarkers identification. It offers services mainly in the field of biology, diagnostics and pharmacology, addressing the needs of the health sector with significant impact on agrofood and concerns a large number of organizations (potential users and collaborators).
It bridges basic research with the Industry and SMEs supporting innovative actions by either providing services or in the frame of funded programmes. It comprises two complementary infrastructures: INSTRUCT-EL | UPAT-RISF
  • INSPIRED addresses the needs of the field of Health Sciences and Pharmaceuticals.
  • The partners cover all the Greek Regions.
  • It is a distributed Research Infrastructure across Greece.
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Research Organizations
Academic Organizations

INSPIRED aims to address the needs of the scientific community which is active in the field of Structural Biology and in the broader Biosciences field with ultimate aim the identification and studies of new biomolecules and bioactive compounds and their Pharmacological evaluation. ​

Through this, the integration of Structural Biology combining Molecular Cellular and Genomic approaches will promote research at regional level, will train new scientists and offer services to users of the South East Mediterranean Area and Cyprus underlining how the geopolitical position of Greece promotes the objectives of the Infrastructure. This dynamic potential is reflected in the interest of the scientific community of the neighbouring countries to become potential users and partners of the Research Infrastructure.

The role of the infrastructure in the South East Europe and especially in the Mediterranean area, is perfectly aligned with the aims of the Ministry of Research for “Science Diplomacy”, while it is anticipated to contribute to the prevention of “Brain Drain” and in the employment of human research potential in Greece and the performing competitive research. It is anticipated to employ at least 50 young researchers, with significant experience in state-of-the-art techniques and with great capacity in transfer of knowledge from abroad (Europe, USA, etc).

More specifically, the key objectives of the infrastructure are as follows:

  • To ensure a functional management scheme of the existing research infrastructures.
  • To improve the services that will be offered to the users and maximize the benefit of the technological, scientific and financial development of the country.
  • To Harmonize and improve the offered services.